The Performance Requirements Analysis helps us to describe the problem, determine the drivers, and then elect a performance solution. (Rossett & Sheldon, 2001, p. 33).
The initial step measures the gap to determine its magnitude and actual impact that it has upon the organization (describes the problem). While the performer, supervisors, managers, peers, etc. might realize that there is a performance problem, it normally takes an analysis to determine the full extent of it. That is, what exactly is wrong and what should be happening? Next, the "drivers" (causes) of the gap are determined. Although it is often easy to see that something is wrong, it normally takes some real detective work to determine its root cause. And if the root cause is not discovered, the problem will continue no matter what you do. Finally, a solution system is selected. The Performance Analysis may take several iterations or perhaps just one to measure the gap, determine all the drivers, and then selecting a partial solution. So after the first iteration, we need to look back upon the gap to determine if the selected solution will indeed bridge that gap. This process may be repeated several times until a full set of solutions are determined. In the end, the sum of the "partial solutions" become the Solution System. ReferenceRossett, Allison & Sheldon, Kendra (2001). Beyond the Podium: Delivering Training and Performance to a Digital World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, p. 67. |