A Time Capsule of Training and Learning

Teacher and Students
Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training." - Anna Freud

Global learners, who like to scan through the material and get the big picture, will want the all-at-once version:

Global Version of "A Time Capsule of Training and Learning"

This version loads the complete site in one HTML file. It is quite large and graphic intensive. This allows you to rapidly bounce back and forth or page up and down rapidly between topics once the complete site has loaded into your browser. It is recommended for fast connections or if you are going to save the site into your computer. Note that this version contains all the information as the Linear version except that it is on one HTML page.

Linear learners, who like to see the material one-step at a time, will want the one-section-at-a-time version:

Linear Version of "A Time Capsule of Training and Learning"

This version loads only the menu (indexed by date), that allows you to select a topic to view. Once you have selected a topic, you can go back to the menu, advance to the next topic on the timeline, or go to the previous topic on the timeline. It is recommended for slow internet connections or systems with low memory. Note that this version contains all the information as the Global version except that it is on a number of smaller HTML pages.

References updated on October 7, 2000. 
updated on October 7, 2000.
The Teaching Machine updated on October 7, 2000.
The Hawthorne Effect was updated on April 2, 2000.

Big Dog's HRD Page
About Page
Copyright 1999 by Donald Clark
Created December 1, 1999
Last Update October 7, 2000