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Job-Performance-Aid (or Job Aid)

Although used for a very long time, the modern Job-Performance-Aid traces its modern roots to the JIT method. It began as a printed card that contained step-by-step instructions for performing a specific task so that the worker did not have to memorize the steps.

Job or performance aids include anything that when added to the work situation improves job performance by guiding, facilitating, or reminding the performers in their accomplishment of job tasks. This method of providing an alternative to improving job performance opened the door to other interventions to changing job performance.

Job aids are considered instructional interventions because they also mediate knowledge and skills problems. However, job aids are not really intended to produce learning, as they are a substitute for learning. Learning that does occur as a result of using the job aid (surely considerable at times) is incidental.

Job aids have grown into electronic versions called Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS)

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