Self, Metacognition, Cognition, Knowledge Systems
While the Three Representational Modalities (TRiM) describe the components that show how we learn; the Self, Metacognition, Cognition, and Knowledge systems (SMCKs) describe the domains of knowledge. One of the first and best known knowledge domains is Bloom's Taxonomy. However, since the time of its creation in 1956, we have now gained considerable more knowledge about how we learn. (Marzano, 1998)

How TRiM fits in with SMCKs
We receive information linguistically, nonlinguistically, and affectively through our senses. This information or presenting task then passes through four human thought processing systems:
Self System — What value do we place upon the presenting task (we will do it or not)?
Metacognitive System — Designs strategies for accomplishing the presenting task. How do we go about solving a complicated task?
Cognitive System — Processes the presenting task so that we may learn it. It draws upon our knowledge domain for information that helps us to solve the presenting task.
Next Steps
Next chapter: Self-System
Last section: Introduction: The Three Representational Modes
Marzano, Robert J. (1998). A Theory-Based Meta-Analysis of Research on Instruction. Mid-continent Aurora, Colorado: Regional Educational Laboratory. Retrieved from