Word War I - Show, Tell, Do, and Check
To solve an urgent need to train shipyard workers in 1917, Charles R. Allen adapted Herbart's five-step process. He called it the “Show, Tell, Do, and Check” method of job instruction:
- Prepare the Workers - Put at ease. Find out what they already know about the job. Get them interested in learning. Place in correct position.
- Present the Operation - Tell, show, illustrate, and ask questions carefully and patiently. Stress key points. Instruct clearly and completely, taking up one point at a time, but no more than they can master.
- Try Out Performance - Test them by having them perform the job. Have them tell and show you, have them explain key points. Ask questions and correct answers. Continue until you know that they know.
- Follow Up - Put them on their own Designate who they go to for help. Check frequently. Encourage questions. Get them to look for key points as they progress. Taper off extra coaching and close follow-ups.