ADDIE the Acronym - 1995
While the ADDIE model has been around since 1975, it was generally known as SAT (System Approach to Training) and later, ISD (Instructional System Design). The use of the ADDIE acronym did not come about until much later. Now there are probably earlier uses, but these three references are the earliest ones that I have been able to locate that actually use the acronym of ADDIE.
1. Schlegel, M. J. (1995) A Handbook of Instructional and Training Program Design. ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED383281. (PDF located here)
The opening paragraph of Schlegel's handbook reads in part:
The generic Design Model of Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) is utilized, and detailed job aids are provided in the form of rating sheets and checklists.
There is at least one other reference to the ADDIE acronym in Schlegel's handbook.
2. Molenda, M., Pershing, J.A., and Reigeluth, C.M. (1996). Designing Instructional Systems. In Robert L. Craig (Ed.), The ASTD Training and Development Handbook 4th ed. (pp. 266-293). New York: McGraw-Hill.
On page 272, there is a chart showing the five phases of ISD. The caption reads: “Figure13-2. Breakdown of phases and steps in the ADDIE ISD Model.”
The authors also write on page 269 that, “The main elements of the ISD model are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation; thus it is sometimes referred to as the ADDIE model.”
3. Gayeski, D. M. (1998). OUT-OF-THE-BOX INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN. Training & Development, Apr 98, Vol. 52, Issue 4
The article refers to Rossett's (1987) writings on “Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation model, or ADDIE.” However, Michael Molenda writes in The ADDIE Model (submitted to Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, 2/5/03, to be published by ABC-CLIO) that Rossett's book does not contain the acronym ADDIE.
1995, 1996, 1998
Thus, it seems as if the term “ADDIE” did not make its way into the popular literature until the mid 1990s, while the model itself has been in use since 1975. The use of ADDIE, rather than ISD, was probably done to distinguish it from other ISD models, such as the Dick and Carey Model, Bela Banathy's Instructional Systems Model, and Nadler's Critical Events Model.
Next Steps
Next section: The Attack on ISD
Return to the History of Instructional System Design:
- Roots of Instructional System Design
- Ludwig von Bertalanffy General System Theory
- Psychological Principles in System Development
- Robert Glaser - Instructional System
- The Air Force's Five Step Approach
- Saettler's History of Instructional Technology
- George Odiorne - A System Approach to Training
- Bela Banathy - Instructional Systems
- ADDIE Timeline
- The Dick and Carey Model of ISD
- The ABCs of ISD
- ADDIE the Acronym
- The Attack on ISD
- A Hard Look at ISD
- ISD at Warp Speed
Rossett, (1987). Training Needs Assessment. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, Inc.