A Quick Guide to Writing Learning Objectives
- Select a verb for performing the task.
- Determine if the verb you have chosen best describes the type of behavior that the learners need to display after training (see Bloom's Taxonomy or the People, Data, and Things Checklist).
- Under what conditions must the task be performed?
- Determine to what standards the task must be performed.
- Sample outlines for writing a learning objective:
Template 1
After the training period the learner will be able to perform ________(task)_________. The task must be performed under the following conditions: ____(condition 1)______, _____(condition 2)_____, and ____(condition 3)______. The following standards must be met: ____(standard 1)_____, _____(standard 2)____, and ____(standard 3)_____.
Template 2
Perform _________(task)__________ when given _____(condition 1)_____ and ___(condition 2)_______. The learners must be trained to ____________(standards)______________.
Template 3
Given a ____(condition 1)_____, ____(condition 2)____, and ____(condition 3)_____, perform _______________(task)_________________. The task must be performed as ____________(standards)_____________.
Template 4
_________(task)_____________ with
____(condition 1)_____, ____(condition 2)_____, and ____(condition 3)_____, by ____(standard 1)_____, ____(standard 2)_____, and ____(standard 3)_____.
Standards with Examples
Standards are measurable criteria:
- How often?
- at least once per hour
- at the start of every cycle
- Before starting the task or after
- How well?
- exactly 7%
- no more than 1 error
- accurate to three decimal points
- within 15 minutes (never use a time standard unless it is required by the job)
- How many?
- identify at least 16 items
- produce 4 items
- How much?
- 100 meters long
- 1/2 block before turning
- How will we know it is OK?
- until the left hand is touching
- by speaking only after the customer has spoken
- Combination
- produce at least 15 per hour (how many and how often)
- until the ditch is 300 feet long with tapering slopes (how much and we know it is OK)
Conditions with Examples
- What is given?
- by checking a chart
- by looking at photo
- by referring to the manual
- or not given
- without reference to the manual
- with no supervision
- What are the variables?
- no matter how upset the customer becomes
- Combination
- when driving (what is given) in the city (variable)
References and Further Readings
Developing Learning Objectives
More On Performance and Learning Objectives