Leadership Development and Training Activities

Welcome to the award winning guide for developing leadership skills. This page may be used as the start of a lesson outline for leadership development and training programs. It contains recommend topics and learning activities for each chapter.
Icebreaker and Warm-up Activities (activities to add spice to your learning, training and development programs)
Basics of Leadership
Concepts of Leadership
Learning Activity - Self Assessment (short version)
Learning Activity - Self Assessment (long version)
Learning Activity - Culture and Climate
Learning Activity - Coaching
Learning Activity - Asking the Right Questions
Leadership Models
Learning Activity - Bolman and Deal's Four Framework Approach
Learning Activity - Leadership Matrix Survey
Human Behavior Part I
Learning Activity - Human Behavior Models
Human Behavior Part II
Read and discuss - First Impressions
Learning Activity - What Do People Want From Their Jobs?
Learning Activity - Positive Reinforcement
Read and Discuss - Learning from Mistakes Rather than Blaming
Counseling and Performance Appraisals
Learning Activity - Identifying Performance Problems
Read and Discuss - Confrontation Counseling
Learning Activity - Counseling Practice Session
Learning Activity - Performance Appraisals
Leadership Styles
Learning Activity - Style Survey
Learning Activity - Leadership Styles
Character and Traits in Leadership
Learning Activity - Beliefs and Values
Ethos and Leadership
After Action Review (AAR)
Learning Activity - Phrasing Questions for Participation
Leadership Philosophies
Leadership Philosophies
Team Leadership
Self-Development Activity - Team Leadership Survey
Transformational Leadership
Self-Development Activity - Transformational Leadership Survey
Social Leadership
Self-Development Activity - Social Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Authentic Leadership and Social Influence
Self-Development Activity - Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Servant Leadership
Self-Development Activity - Servant Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Team Leadership
Growing a Team
Learning Activity - Leadership Team Building
Matrix Teams
Learning Activity - Team Survey
Team Leadership
Learning Activity - Team Leadership Survey
Path-Goal Theory
Advanced Leadership Skills
Horizontal Leadership: Bridging the Information Gap
Learning Activity - Horizontal Leadership Instrument
The Four Pillars: Leadership, Management, Command, and Control
Organizational Behavior
Learning Activity - Organizational Behavior Survey
Learning Activity - Job Behavior Survey
Learning Activity (Self Survey) Working With Others
Learning Activity Looksism and Diversity
Learning Activity Typical Family
Learning Activity ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and Reasonable Accommodations
Diversity Continuum
Learning Activity - Goals and Change
Learning Activity - Reflection on Change
Learning Organization
Learning Activity - Learning Organization Profile
Learning Activities - Mentoring with Social Media
Learning Activity - Creating and implementing visions
Strategy & Tactics
Learning Activity - OODA and Double-Loop Learning
Supporting Skills
Time Management
Learning Activity: Time Management Model
Learning Activity - Recognizing successful meetings
Learning Activity - Johari Window of Opportunity
Learning Activity - World's Worst and Best Presentations
Learning Activity - Creating A Presentation (part 1)
Learning Activity - Creating A Presentation (part 2)
Winner of the MERLOT 2013 Classics Award for developing an outstanding, peer reviewed online learning resource.
Reliability and Validity
Since the developmental activities are learning tools, rather than research tools, they have not been formally checked for reliability or validity. However, since I have received feedback from numerous sources, including learners and their managers, and then updating the material, I believe them to be fairly accurate tools for a learning environment.
This method allows me to use both an iterative and formative approach to continually improve the learning activities. My qualifications include over twenty-five years of experience as a leader in various roles, over twenty years of experience as an instructional designer and trainer, B.A. in psychology, and a M.A. in Human Resource Development.