Time Management Activity

1. Have the learners read the Time Management Model below. Also, note they will need to read the section on The Big Rocks of Time (about 5 min.).

2. Break them into small groups composed of 2 to 4 learners. Have them discuss what they have just read (about 10 min.).

3. The learners will now work alone. Ensure each person has a pen and paper. Have them divided the paper into two columns: Life and Work. Ask them to list their most important priorities in the respective column. If a priority spans both columns, then have them draw a line into the next column to show the priority is both a life and work priority (about 15 to 20 min.).

4. The learners should join their previous group (or you can create new small groups) and discuss their lists with each other (about 25 min.):

Reading Material: Time Management Model

The ability to manage time normally takes two skills:

These two concepts form the x-axis and y-axis as shown in the model below:

Time Management Model

This matrix has four types of people when it comes to time management:

We can also rearrange the two dimensions so that they show the four steps of good time management when performing a task:

Time Management Model

  1. Focuses upon the task on hand to discover what needs to be accomplish.
  2. Organizes the materials so that the task can be accomplished.
  3. Uses the materials to get the task done
  4. Uses one's inner-abilities and instincts to wrap things up (know when to stop and what to finish) so that the next priority task can be started — don't waste time on the unimportant details.

In The Big Rocks of Time, Stephen Covey uses jars as a metaphor for the amount of time we have and rocks for the tasks that must be prioritized (the bigger the rock, the more important the task is). And just as a jar can only hold so many rocks, we only have so much time in a day to get the right things done, thus it is important that we decide which tasks are the big ones (the most important) to ensure they fit within our “time jar.”

Next Steps

This activity is based on the Time Management chapter

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